Monday, February 23, 2009

Endo Post

I know a lot of endometriosis patients read my blog. I need to know or get a general consensus from you girls if you feel the same way about me on this subject. I feel a lot of times that it's hard to be sick or have some other ailment because I complain so much about hurting from my endo. Like I'm whining or something. For example, if I have a sore throat I feel sometimes that people think I'm just a complainer anyway because I have chronic pain that I talk about frequently. I'm sure that other people with chronic ailments feel that way, but I needed to know that I'm not the only one. I guess that's it, nothing interesting, just wanted to gather opinions!


Nic said...

You are def not the only one. I have got to the point now that I dont even complain about my endo pain, let alone any other illness (I have a few others!!) because people stop listening and caring and tell me 'wow, you are always ill!'. It is hard to explain what endo is like. Do you find that people just think its very bad period pain and tat you do not have a high pain threshold because I get that a lot and it is so frustrating!
I hate being known as the sickly one or seen to be complaining all the time. I generally dont tel anyone anything anymore (other than my DH) which is a shame.
Sorry, bit of a ramble but you are not alone

Anonymous said...

You have no idea! Actually you do. I know exactly what you mean. I feel like no one understands the pain that I am in, more often than not. I feel like I am constantly complaining and the "poor girl" who is in pain and who can't have babies I have always run out of sick days at every job I've had because I'm throwing up and keeling over on the floor in agonizing pain. People just don't get it. People stop listening, but luckily I've found some people who are really supportive too. I am so thankful I found your blog, it's nice to know someone understands. I have only read your first post and could completely relate so I am curious to keep reading. I just found out yesterday that my tubes are completely blocked and my only option is IVF. Im very sad because I have been trying fo years but excited to start the IVF journey.Let me know if you have any advice. Thank you again for putting your story out there, I feel relieved in a way. Liz

Anonymous said...

PS. Your baby is gorgeous and gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone ... I keep it to myself mostly too for the same reasons!

Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I often do the same thing for the same reasons. Hang in there your not alone nor are you crazy!

jannandpat said...

If men had to deal with endo, a cure would be top priority. But since it is just a "women's thing" people don't always take it seriously. I admire all you women who are trying to cope, I hope you find relief, and I hope you all get pregnant! (that is, if you want to) Ella is such a miracle and a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's frustrating when people say stuff like "you're always sick"... especially in a relationship when you keep telling your boyfriend you can't hang out because you're sick! Recently I've found that it helps if you tell people you have Endometriosis which is an Autoimmune disease, hence why you are always sick. They may not understand what endo is or anything but at least they realize you have a chronic issue, it's not just you being a hypochondriac or being a complainer you know?