Well, if you read my blog enough, you know that we are "back on the wagon", or trying again.
And I'm petrified. It seems as if I want it more this time than last time. Part of me thinks it's because I know what I'd be missing out on if I didn't get to experience this again. The other part of me doesn't want to think it's because of that; it's unfair to those who haven't even had one child because of infertility. So many feelings going on inside my head. I have guilt for feeling this way at all, empathy for those who struggle to become pregnant.
I'm upset because part of me feels like I should be happy enough with having Ella who I love and cherish. Is this greed or is this something infertility causes in the first place? No one should have to feel guilty for wanting more children, but I do.
Adam and I have struggled far less than a lot of infertile couples, but it plays such a huge role in our lives. I feel myself getting back into that thought process of "when do I ovulate?", "when's a good time to do "BD"", "I'm dreading having my period because I know it means it didn't work again", "do I go on clomid or wait it out". It's like my life revolves around infertility.
I just thought I would share. I'm sorry if it upsets some people who read my blog and are currently trying for their first. My words are not meant to downplay any current or past struggles others have had. Nobody should have to deal with this situation.