Monday, July 20, 2009

Instead of "Not ME" Monday this week, Mckmama is hosting "Not MY CHILD" Monday. It is a chance to tell stories about the embarrassing or naughty things your child has done at inappropriate times.

My child is only but 11 months old and has yet to really embarrass me. She DOES however have the bad habit of NOT pulling down mommy's shirt when she wants to climb to a standing position. Luckily we were at home, but yesterday she did NOT pull the whole top down.

Just today, Ella did NOT climb up on the tv stand when mumma wasn't looking and lick the tv, then did NOT proceed to take one of her hair elastics, stick it in her mouth and chew it until mumma figured out that she had something she wasn't supposed to.

Geez, if she can accomplish all that in one week at 11 months, I wonder how much damage she is going to be able to do in the future. I can't wait to see!!

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